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After working many years in product operations with companies like American Apparel and doing pro-bono graphic design projects, Mark took his passion head-on for design-thinking and pursued his MFA in Industrial Design at the Academy of Art University. He further achieved footwear-specific certifications from Pensole Footwear Design Academy and Ars Sutoria School (NYC), and applied his joy in addressing user insights to help create innovative yet commercially viable product for companies like Vionic and The North Face. With his expertise in the footwear/product design process, Mark has enjoyed teaching opportunities for aspiring designers through his alma maters.


When he's not in work mode he enjoys exploring the world with his family, challenging the relationship of age vs. physical ability through endurance sports, and eating donuts, kouign amanns, Napoletana-style pizza, and everything else that you're told you should only eat sparingly.

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